17 June 2018, Views, HORIZONT

Let's give Deutsche Bank a chance - if they are serious, they deserve it!

Yes, Deutsche Bank has a badly damaged reputation! Yes, it is its own fault – or rather the fault of the top management! Yes, other issues can come to the surface – that cannot be ruled out! Yes, the management has always »served« itself well at the expense of the shareholders and employees! And yes – I too have been a clear critic of the bank – most recently on the issue of cultural change and ethics seminars in the Jain/Fitschen era.

And yet I think that Deutsche Bank should be given a chance if they are serious and honest about making a new start. With Christian Sewing, the bank has a new and – I think – credible personality at the top. The brand idea is #PositiveImpact. This is no longer the smug and arrogant »Passion to perform«, where you as a customer could be grateful if you were served. Of course, many experts are right when they harshly criticize the campaign in a recent survey and brand it as not being credible and not yet reflected in the bank's performance.

But the bank wants to go back to its good roots: back to Alfred Herrhausen, the bank's ex-Chairman, who very early on stood for the fact that a company must not do anything that cannot be plausibly communicated to the public. Back to the excellence, to the know-how of Deutsche Bank, which has accompanied all German corporations around the world. Back to customer orientation, also in its serving role, before hubris and complacency took over. Deutsche Bank helped to introduce multi-channel banking in Germany and Europe, even though Deutsche Bank 24 was not granted a long life.

Of course, all the scandals and misdemeanors will remain linked to the bank's reputation for a long time to come. The quote from Warren Buffet, according to which it takes 20 years to build a good reputation and only five minutes to ruin it, is familiar to anyone who reads the business and financial section in the morning. But I think the new positioning #PositiveImpact is very good – also because it gives employees the opportunity to get involved locally. The volunteering spirit has always been strong at Deutsche Bank. And this is important so that confidence can be regained among the staff.

The story with Laura Dekker is very well and very professionally done. Finally, brand communication without interest rates or performance curves. The story is very emotional, embodies courage, ambition and the will to perform. All things that the bank – and our country – can use again. And if the campaign does not remain an advertising campaign, but #PositiveImpact is again reflected in the bank's performance, then I wish CMO Tim Alexander and his team every success on the new (old) course!


Author: Christopher Wünsche
Published (in German) by Horizont/horizont.net, Sunday, 17 June 2018

Source: https://www.horizont.net/marketing/kommentare/PositiverBeitrag-Geben-wir-der-Deutschen-Bank-eine-Chance---wenn-sie-es-ehrlich-meint-hat-sie-diese-verdient-167743

Positive Contribution: Let's give Deutsche Bank a chance

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